
Author: Spymac
Kind: IRC Bot
Config: PPC withc carbon lib or MacosX
Language: English
Download Carbon version (1.5) 600 Ko
Download PPC version (1.5) 530 Ko
Download 68K version (1.5) 450 Ko

Dolly-IRCBot is an IRC Bot very simple to use: In a few minutes you will have configured your bot and be connected on a server.
Dolly-IRCBot can talk but for the moment only you can only add words to Dolly-IRCBot.
You can also use Dolly-IRCBot as an IRC client if you want :-)
Well Dolly-IRCBot isn't the best Macintosh IRC Bot but it's a freeware and its easy to use it if you know IRC ,if you want the best IRC Bot for Macintosh , take So-Bot.
New: In this 1.5 version you add words with Dolly-IRCBot , make some access to the bot and configure the levels access.

Features to come in next versions:
•Possibility to be connected to several servers.
•Protection channel.
•Lot of new features...

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